Concept of Education of Imam Ghazali The great educator of Islam, imam Ghazali was born in a time, when doubts were raised from various sides about Islam. Imam Ghazali was born in 1059 AD near Tus in Khurasan, a part of the then Persia. These were the times, when Muslims were dominating Europe, Asia and Africa, due to the effect of new culture of these countries they were deviating from the true teachings of Islam. Imam Ghazali came to the rescue them. We can say that, in one way he was responsible for the revival of Islam. He is also known as Hujjatul Islam. Imam Ghazali mentions in his book Al-munqudeen –al- dalal, that he spent 38 years in the search of truth from place to place and studied different schools of thoughts of that time. Because of his knowledge and study, he was offered the post of head of Nizamia School in Baghdad. This school was the center of attraction for scholars all over the world. But due to his curiosity and quest for knowledge,...