My Hadith Book- P1 (Ages 2.5y to 3.5y)
Bismillahhir Rahmaanir Raheem Allah S.W.T revealed the Qur’aan to Nabee Kareem ﷺ and instructed him to explain it to us. Nabee Kareem ﷺ accordingly explained and showed us the manners of acting upon the Qur’aan. His words and actions are termed as “Ahaadith” (Single-Hadith) Allah S.W.T has ordered us in the Qur’aan to obey Rasoolullah ﷺ . Memorizing Ahaadith helps preserve the teachings of Rasoolullah ﷺ. Nabee Kareem ﷺ made the following du’a for those who memorize his words: May Allah Ta’ala flourish a person who hears something from us then conveys it exactly as he hear it- Tirmizee He also said: He who preserves (memorizes) for my followers 40 Ahaadith from my teachings; I will admit him on the Day of Judgement in my intersession (before Allah) Therefore, it is a great honour to be able to memorize the very words spoken by our beloved Nabee. We should make an effort to practice every teaching of his as re...